Halloween is the most festively frightening night of the year. But don't make yours fraught with danger. Here are some safety reminders:
- As you're decorating, make sure you and your parents check for crached sockets, frayed, loose or bare wires, and loose connections.
- Fasten all outdoor lights securely to trees and other firm supports. Do not use nails or tacks that could puncture insulation cords and damage wires.
- Make sure decorative lighting is well-ventilated, protected from weather, and remains a safe distance from anything flammable like dry leaves and shrubs. Do not coil extension cords while in use or tuck under rugsor drapes.
- Make sure all outdoor electrical lights and decorations are plugged into an outlet protected with a ground fault circuit interrupter (GCFI). If you outlets aren't euipped with GCFIs, have an electrician install them or buy a GCFI adapter plug. Don't overload outlets with too many extension cords and strands of lights.
- Keep power cords off walkways and porches that trick-or-treaters may use. You don't want them to trip.
- Have mom or dad leave the porch light on for trick-or-treaters, and be sure to turn out all spooky lights and decorations before leaving home or going to bed. This will also save energy.
For more tips visit www.safeelectricity.org
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